Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Reason for Optimism: Washington, D.C.

The following chart shows the median household income of Washington, D.C. divided by the median household income of the United States.

Click to enlarge.

Exponential growth! It's only a matter of time before our "investment" pays off! Genius!

The Next Biggest Boom Towns In The U.S.

No. 6: Washington, D.C.

The D.C. metro area's great competitive advantage lies in proximity to the federal government. Washington has continuing job growth, including in high-wage science and tech fields, and an improving real estate market. It's also the only large metro in the Northeast with close to double-digit gains in the ranks of small children, a sign that people believe they can build a long term future there. However, a significant downsizing of the federal government in the near future could slow the region's growth.

Let's all move to Columbia! Yes!

And when I say Columbia, I don't mean the state capital of South Carolina. There's some sort of "plague" going on there. For the love of all that is holy, stay away!

September 19, 2013
Declining income, rising poverty plague SC economy

COLUMBIA, SC — South Carolinians were better off at the turn of the century than they are today, according to a new report released Thursday.

It finds the state’s residents bring home less money in their paychecks and more are living in poverty than in 2000. Also, fewer have health insurance compared with five years ago, according to the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey.

I also don't mean that we should move to the Mall of Columbia. That's just silly talk. We don't need to live in a Banana Republic quite yet. Give it a few more years!

And let's not forget the country of Columbia. It would make a very poor substitute for the flourishing District of Columbia.

So when it comes to Columbias, one stands above the rest. Stick with what works! The future's so bright there that I gotta wear shades!

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart


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